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Old 12-21-2017, 10:53 PM   #160
Join Date: Dec 2017
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Default Re: First Post kumbaya

Originally Posted by kumbaya View Post
Indirectally, I have. I personally have suffered spiritual abuse (unintentional from those giving it) because of the practices preached by Living Stream Ministry. I didn't even realize before counseling years ago that spiritual abuse was a thing. I didn't even fully consider it because I was dealing with the effects of an abusive marriage. As I dug deeper, I realized how most of my issues stemmed (typically!) from my childhood and relationship with my dad. Now, I don't want to play the blame game and put all that on LSM, of course that's ridiculous.

But, the practices of showing your spirituality in a public manner as a child/young person have been researched and the things in children's meeting's and truth school's that were practiced back then (although somewhat different now), were considered the best way back then. I've listened to audio tapes online over young peoples work and am familiar with the mindset then. I was completely controlled (well, as best as they could!) until a mid teen and then I was given some freedom to make my own choices.

I realize this is a silly example but it's the best one I can think of right now, My first choice my dad let me make (at 15), regarding a decision that he didn't agree with but was "loosening the reins," was whether or not I would go to the movie theatre with some friends. I was definitely never allowed to do that and the one time I snuck it and got caught - I was grounded for 2 months! I probably would have gotten away with it though if Titanic wasn't 3 hrs long, ha! Sorry, tangent - but the first decision I made on my own to do something "worldly", I was 15 and it was to go see Jurassic Park 2 with my cousin. All this seems silly but I say it to prove a point. By the time I was 18 I COULDN'T WAIT to get out of that house and make my own decisions that were EXACTLY the opposite of everything shoved down my throat my whole life. Unfortunately, I thought I knew everything and didn't realize that my having all my decisions made for me my whole life and not having boundaries with people (I still think "hospitality" is a dangerous practice related to that), I attracted people who were controlling and overstepped boundaries due to not ever learning how to make my own decisions and have limits with people. It's taken me YEARS to (hopefully) stop the cycle and recognize it. I know the locality I grew up in has almost NO former church kids attending. I can think of less than 10, maybe casually 15 to 20 tops, out of probably hundreds. Of the ones who stayed, they all seem to have an obedient non-questioning personality naturally. There's definitely a problem- so, what is it? I know a lot of kids stop attending churches they grew up in and I don't have statistics to prove this but it seems like a lot of the young people from my locality have REALLY struggled emotionally and just in life. I don't know how normal it is but it seems excessive to me.

So yes, I believe the extremeness that was taught in the LSM material (not the Bible) was taken to heart by many parents and many children were damaged.

I hope that answered your question.

Wow I can vouch for this post. Spiritual abuse is a thing!!
I think a lot of churches are like this. Maybe that's why they keep looking for fresh stock.

~Blue Orchid
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