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Old 12-19-2017, 07:28 AM   #142
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Default Re: First Post kumbaya

Originally Posted by JJ View Post
OK, I can see how Steinem’s quote can be viewed that way, Drake. But, I also hope you can “put yourself in kumbaya’s shoes” and think about what it is like to be child growing up in TLR where “being one with The Ministry” is confused with the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is a free gift (take it or leave it).
Think about this objectively for just a minute.

Why in the world should it ever be demanded of us that we be one with some ministry?
  • There is absolutely no justification in scripture.
  • It is absolutely contrary to the construct of "local" churches.
Actually, this was the same tactic the Judaizers used -- forcing all the Gentile churches to be "one with the ministry" in Jerusalem, and bringing all the Gentile churches under their legalistic subjection. The reason why churches should be "local" is so that heresy and corruption remains limited in scope. Once headquarters becomes corrupt, that same disease then can spread to all the churches. History shows this has happened with every denomination to some degree. And ... yes ... the "Recovery" is a denomination. Denominations do not become "denominations" because they have the right or wrong name, rather they become denominations once they are brought under the subjection of a ruling headquarters, with a self-serving agenda.

Read and reread the 7 epistles to the churches in Asia in Revelation chapters 2-3. Their individual spiritual conditions span the gamut of church history, both time and space. Where does the Lord Jesus, the Son of Man walking in their midst, instruct any of them to be "one with the ministry" of John or any other Apostle?
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Last edited by Ohio; 12-19-2017 at 08:46 AM.
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