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Old 12-18-2017, 10:45 AM   #136
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 250
Default Re: First Post kumbaya

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
I thought you handled the situation quite well. Perhaps you don't give yourself enough credit. Drake (and other pro-LSM posters) can be quite infuriating at times, but you seemed to display just the right amount of push back and humility. He keeps us honest, and we him, though I'm sure he will disagree.

I think having posters like him on your thread has really helped you. Look at how much more has surfaced in such a short time. This forum is a friendly discussion of ideas by members and former members of the LC's. It's helpful for you to know that you are not alone, neither was yours an isolated case. What you have learned helps others here too.

One thing we have all faced is the guilt shaming. You just recently faced a couple incidents of this concerning tithing and that Steinem quote. Instead of listening to what you were trying to say, he attempted to discredit you by zeroing in on minor things. So typical. Pass the camel and strain out the gnats.

But notice there was no response to WL's comment about "losing their virginity." That was during an elders' meeting. How irreverent was that? Compare what WL did and said during Daystar with the Apostle Paul's fellowship with the Corinthians in II Cor. 11.1-4. Not good. But these events have been hidden from nearly all the members.

Thank you for recognizing that! I thought about responding the same way but thought it would just add fuel to the fire and hoped others would see exactly what you're saying.

You do lose credibility when you ignore the issue and pinpoint minor irrelevant errors.

I agree that its good to have opposing viewpoints though, I like them! I may not like conflict but I'm all about discussing something with someone respectfully. If anything, its challenging and makes you think. It's embarrassing to admit but I didn't even know what an apologetic was until I was an adult.

How is that possible growing up in the LC?

Well, I guess WL was our head apologetic. Yikes!

I was in a marriage with someone who constantly spoke to me like that (changing the topic, not focusing on the point, nit picking every flaw instead of listening) so I agree that although it was very hard and so painful- it did prepare me for how to deal with people like that.

Obviously, I'm not perfect and I can admit that I get defensive but I truly don't want to be that way and believe thats not how we should be towards anyone- esp bro/sis in Christ. So, if I was too much I'm sorry.

I'm not surprised he didn't respond bc - there is nothing he can defend WL's remarks with. I think we both can see, given his previous posts- he would if he was able! There's proof (I thought I read) so he can't say its a lie (too many people heard or was it just recorded?). Maybe he thinks no one will pick up on the double standard of him dishing out criticism on topics he has issues with (while ignoring the main point) and not being able to flip roles and respond to criticism related to the same issue with something WL said. Sorry to beat a dead horse but I also feel like you can enable people when you let them get away with it. It's a battle I have a hard time walking away from- probably bc my marriage was so full of that kind of thing. I'm sure the excuse (the only one) would be that he was asked to leave me alone, which- I still want him to. But I'd asked him to before and he didn't. Very convenient that he's backing off now when he can't defend your questions about the same issue.

People are funny.

I'm all about opposing viewpoints and keeping each other honest, I just like logic and respect. I hope I'm showing that!

And yes, all these events being hidden are so wrong. Whatever reasoning they have for "carrying the burden" is flawed. I agree this is a more extreme case but what if the Catholics who covered up molestation from priests said that they were just "carrying the burden." It wouldn't have gone over well.

We all have a right to know accurate facts and history about the group of believers you meet with. We all should be able to make decisions for ourselves if they were mistakes that should be forgiven and decide whether or not you still have faith and trust in those people.....or, if there is a bigger problem at hand and if you should run the other direction. How can the church we learn from its mistakes and have accountability if most people don't even know about the mistakes these elders and leading ones made? I would personally have to hear or see public apologies and repentance for this behavior before I EVER even THOUGHT of trusting that person again. Even then it would be a long road ahead.

I wonder if the decisions to cover it up would have been different with the knowledge that the internet era was ahead? hmmmm......
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