Re: First Post kumbaya
[QUOTE=Ohio;67579]Drake, I believe you, and that highlights a problem.
In order to defend the LC system, one must be a little heartless. I know I was there too. When it came to protecting LSM and LC leadership, all members became *expendable*. That's just how it was.
But not so with the Lord Jesus.
I never thought of it like that, but yeah-I definitely felt "different" and somehow crowded out or ignored or "concerned for"(but in a weird way) when they knew I was having a hard time with the practices.
I was basically told by multiple people that the time I was spending looking into this things would be better spend getting in the Word. The funny thing is, I WAS! I was trying to look up verses about the church, and I was also reading material on best practices from qualified teachers on what are healthy/vs. unhealthy church practices were. The things I was reading weren't even targeting the LC- just describing unhealthy practices. But I was told to worry about myself and let the brothers deal with the brothers. And this was from someone I respected!
It was actually a good conversation back and forth- I'm currently trying to decide how open I want to be about where I'm from and the people involved. I'm not trying to attack anyone but its hard to make a point sometimes without experience.
The point is, me talking about it was a problem. At that point I was wasn't meeting but I was letting my daughter go. After I brought up some concerns that were ignored, I realized this is not a healthy place. No one leading even took concerns into consideration. I realized that all these issues were not "new" to them and just coming from me- ha! They've been battling this logic for years! I don't know how much longer they'll be able to in this day and age. At some point, the fear tactic of being "poisoned" might lose its power and people will look up this info themselves. There is just too much material from qualified Christian experts of how to meet in a healthy way.
There is little room there is for self examination there though when its a hierarchy system.
Ironically, at this point -in order to maintain control, they have no CHOICE but to use these methods or it would all fall apart for them. I don't see them letting that happen so they resort these unhealthy practices.
I'll find the link I have listing unhealthy practices and post. It would be interesting to see how many of you all have experienced the things on it!