Originally Posted by kumbaya
Thanks. I don't mind explaining that. Perhaps I'm a little overprotective with myself but if you knew me you'd know I'm still not great at handling conflict. Not saying it was intentional but I was feeling attacked and have learned that the best response when feeling that way is to have accountability by knowing everything said is open for all to see. If that came off as something else, I'm sorry.
I thought you handled the situation quite well. Perhaps you don't give yourself enough credit. Drake (and other pro-LSM posters) can be quite infuriating at times, but you seemed to display just the right amount of push back and humility. He keeps us honest, and we him, though I'm sure he will disagree.
I think having posters like him on your thread has really helped you. Look at how much more has surfaced in such a short time. This forum is a friendly discussion of ideas by members and former members of the LC's. It's helpful for you to know that you are not alone, neither was yours an isolated case. What you have learned helps others here too.
One thing we have all faced is the guilt shaming. You just recently faced a couple incidents of this concerning tithing and that Steinem quote. Instead of listening to what you were trying to say, he attempted to discredit you by zeroing in on minor things. So typical. Pass the camel and strain out the gnats.
But notice there was no response to WL's comment about "losing their virginity." That was during an elders' meeting. How irreverent was that? Compare what WL did and said during Daystar with the Apostle Paul's fellowship with the Corinthians in II Cor. 11.1-4. Not good. But these events have been hidden from nearly all the members.