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Old 12-17-2017, 08:48 PM   #123
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 250
Default Re: First Post kumbaya

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Thank you for your comments about LSM's "business model." It confirms my own thoughts. LSM controls LC's by controlling elders and workers. They are mixing the evil things of the world into the holy kingdom of God. The Lord warned us about "ruling like the Gentiles do." (Matt. 20.25-28)

Besides Daystar, WL peddled tennis rackets, suits, chairs, and who knows how many other schemes we never learned about. He even started a "little banker" scheme for the saints to save all their money, and pay off Daystar debts. Hundreds of dear saints felt defrauded and left. Many were stumbled. When asked about the Daystar debacle, and about so many wounded saints, WL said that "they had lost their virginity." In other words, these brothers and sisters got "raped" by the ministry.
It's almost unbelievable. I can hardly believe things like this when I hear them. I'm waiting for the day when I DON'T feel like it's turned my world upside down.

Because I grew up around the influence, even when I wasn't meeting as a young adult- I still thought it was the "right way" for many years. I thought that maybe I wasn't good enough for it right then, but someday I thought I'd come back and "get right with God" which the only way to do that of course, was to meet with the local church.

The fact that I EVEN HAD THIS MINDSET tells me how OPPRESSIVE the environment was. Even when I didn't feel like it was for me, I blamed myself.

Are we talking Jesus still???
That is NOT Jesus. Jesus is attractive, this environment was a "standard of living" that I could not be.

Also, I'm not going to respond to some of the posts that have said I'm belligerent or condescending except for now. I'm sorry if I came off that way, it wasn't my intent. It's a little hurtful to hear your viewpoints and writing as beligerent but I'm just going to say again that you're not helping me, Drake, and I'd like you to leave me alone.
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