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Old 12-16-2017, 10:54 AM   #77
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 250
Default Re: First Post kumbaya

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Kumbaya>”But, they are OUR experiences. You have your own but you can't dismiss mine,”


That is correct. It works both ways.

ok, multiple times I've said that if you have a different experience- then thats great! Then I just made the point that most of us didn't have that experience so you were in the minority However, I still stated that if your experience was different then that was good!

How is that dismissing your experience? I was validating it, if anything!

The reason we're discussing it is because we all have had similar negative experiences and while its good to know that everyones experience (as you're saying yours was) isn't bad, most others on this board DID have a bad experience.

So, you have to recognize that the minority, or-exception to the rule, doesn't just get to be confrontational about what we're saying happened to us bc obviously, we wouldn't be here and all agree that there is a negative situation in the LC if we didn't all have bad experiences.

Again, lol- I'm not one the get worked up but I don't think I can keep going back and forth with you unless you keep it on topic and logical.
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