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Old 12-15-2017, 02:27 PM   #42
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Default Re: First Post kumbaya

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Disgusting in my opinion.

I mentioned this to a “saint” or woman I know in the local church and she said, “well, the structure is messy but as long as you’re getting fed. Kitchens get messy when you make the food but the purpose is to eat.”
This forum does not exist because the LC's were a little "messy." I have been around diverse churches all my life, and they all are a little "messy." Humans are messy, as are families and kids. Pets too. Life is messy. We all know this, and for the most part, accept it.

But Witness Lee used expressions like these to coverup serious issues at LSM. "Nobody's perfect" and "everybody makes mistakes" are a couple more. Actually 99.9% of the discussions here are NOT about the "messy" kitchen in all of the LC's. In fact, most of the comments about the saints, elders, and LC's are all positive.

The blight in the Recovery is in Anaheim at LSM -- Lee's long history of unrighteousness and hurting people. You made the following observation --
I really do blame the culture. Love love love until theres a disagreement and then shame, curse, and kick out.

I still have trouble putting the two behaviors together.
I too felt the same way. As I was leaving, there was this constant nagging in my head, "how could something so good become so bad?"

The Lord showed me one verse that helped. The Apostle Paul was fellowshiping with brothers for the last time, and was pouring out his heart to them (Acts 20) At one point he warned them and prophesied for the future church, "that from among you men (like Witness Lee) will rise up speaking perverted things to lure the disciples after themselves."

This is exactly what happened to us. Many of us watched it happen. I watched from a distance, and was constantly reassured that "everything was fine." Some went along with it, but others disagreed. Those who protested were "shamed, cursed, and kicked out," just like you said.

All the things you read here like only buying LSM books, all young people going to FTTA, Luther and Lee are MOTA's, poor poor Christianity, local ground of oneness, etc. etc. are all "perverted" teachings to draw us from Christ to Witness Lee.
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