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Old 07-18-2008, 06:17 AM   #6
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Originally Posted by finallyprettyokay View Post
I needed the straight and narrow. I think even the strictness of all the 'rules' and peer pressure was a good thing. Like you, like many of us, I had come from a history of a lot of drug use, and all the things that go with that life. So feeling clean, being clean, was so good for me. I think it saved my sanity, if not my life.

So, I don't think coming to the LC was so bad. I do think I overstayed it's usefulness. At some point it became damaging to me, not healing.
Anyway, I think I just overstayed it's usefulness, it's healing time for me. Stayed 10 years, 2 or 3 would have been good.
One of the ironies here, that you noted, is that the highly structured program that LSM has promoted for so long actually does some good, especially for us damaged vessels coming out of the world. We are wild, and don't know how to fit into the house of God. They give us a book like "Life Lessons", with steps for new believers, and this structured, ordered approach can really help to put our wild, tangled minds into some fashion of order. But to me, the structure, the order, the 'system', becomes a snare eventually. People pledge allegiance to the system instead of God. Instead of Jesus being the way, some sheet with bullet points becomes the way. But I still wanted to make the point that it isn't all bad, it's only partly bad! Like me, and, I suspect, like most if not all of us.

As far as overstaying its usefulness, I have to agree. But I note that I also overstayed my time in the drug and alcohol-fueled realm of anger, resentment, self-pity and alienation. So my overstaying is only partly due to a system which, in effect, says "You can't leave". I have to admit some responsibility there. I am slow to respond to God. But hopefully I am doing better! God wants progress. Perfection will come in due time.
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