Re: First Post kumbaya
Welcome to the forum Kumbaya!
Your numerous observations are correct. They are some of the ones that troubled us too, so we too left. I like your comment about Herbalife. I used to drink that stuff and it made me sick to my stomach. Just sayin'...
There is nothing "local" in the LC's any more than the local Catholic parish I grew up in. They are both run by a dominant headquarters, who move their "priests" around in order to maintain order. They control the printing presses, and constantly warn the faithful of those horrible "Protestants."
Things were much better back in the mid 70's when I first met them -- a little more local, much more Christ, a focus on the Bible, and the liberty of the Spirit. It seemed that every few years some "storm" would be used to tighten the noose in Anaheim. Like the rotten politicians love to say, "never let a good crisis go to waste."
As I left the LC during the Great Quarantines of the 00's, the buzz in my head was saying, "this program produces bullies out of beloved brothers." I saw it on every level. It was a systemic disease based on bad teachings and practices. Like our Lord warned His disciples, "Watch out and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees." A little leaven goes a long way, someone once said.
You're right. Some of their "cheeseburgers" can make you sick.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!