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Old 12-04-2017, 05:50 AM   #8
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Default Re: true companionship/love outside the local church

Originally Posted by Bradley View Post
'Acacia wood does not touch other acacia wood directly, they are overlaid with gold' (All horizontal fellowship and relationships should go through God).

This used to bother me a lot. Can't I just hang out with brothers doing normal stuff? PSRP is great, but sometimes I just want to hang out and chat.
This is LC nonsense.

This goes along with another LC teaching wrongly inferred from O.T. types -- that all "natural" relationships are like the "honey" that damages our offerings. (It's somewhere in the O.T.) WL picked this up from the Exclusive Brethren, who developed this nonsense teaching in the aftermath of one of their many quarantines in an effort to keep the faithful from departing. They needed a so-called scriptural mandate to place "loyalty to the ministry" ahead of loyalty to those you love. Hence divorce was preferable to losing both husband and wife, and better to harden your heart to those you love than listen to their valid complaints.

If God intended that there be no "brotherly love" or "sisterly love", then the Bible would not speak of both agape divine love and philio brotherly love. (like in 2 Peter 1.7) The one church in Revelation which was praised by the Lord without critique was Philadelphia, which means "brotherly love." Does one really think that there were no healthy friendships there?

The Lord never intended that "we love the ministry" ahead of loving the brothers and sisters around us. That rotten LC teaching is a totally self-serving promotion of LSM.
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