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Old 12-01-2017, 10:21 AM   #2
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Default Re: true companionship/love outside the local church

Originally Posted by Intothewind View Post
This is very related but someone different to the thread "no life outside the LC"
but I from a less spiritual basis.

How many have here recall teachings of the following.

"You will never find a community of people who will love you and care for you the way they do in the LC"
we were told this on college blending trips. And you know, it might be true. But that kind of completely uniform brainwashed culture and completely unconditional companionship(based apparently on godliness so calling it friendship is discouraged) is probably not very healthy, in any case.

"True love is God's love, and since God basically only loves the LC, relationships outside the LC are not genuine."

"People outside (whether in Christianity, or outside of other religions) are never truly happy and they need God(or the ministry)"

any additional thoughts appreciated.
Bahahahaha ...

And an arranged marriage with no evidence of love is true love to LCers.

Also, when I got the boot, and Mel Porter told everyone I was a serpent, I & my wife wondered where their love was.

But worse, LCer's can't even love LCers, unless they toe the line.
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to.
There's a serpent in every paradise.
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