You are an example of the WORD of God....the Spirit of God
renewing our mind,
blessing us with the MIND of Christ.
Your testimony is similar to mine with the exception that before I got into real, real trouble in the world, I got saved throught the LC saints.
I too needed the structure & discipline to grow into the person Christ wanted/wants me to be.
I often refer to my first couple of years in the LC as BOOT CAMP.
And like you, the LORD led me into the LC and led me out.
I'm forever grateful I didn't suffer the hardships in the LC many saints did.
I'm thankful as well to re-connect with soo many brothers & sisters in Christ who were in the LC.
People/Christians who never had the LC church life we had are unable to understand & 'connect' the way we have.
That does NOT mean our connection with people & Christians who were never in the LC is shortchanged. It is NOT. I am very, very thankful to the LORD for all the people HE has brought into my life. What a blessing we have to re-connect with former LCrs, current LCrs & non LCrs!
But it makes sense of course.....
because WE are BLESSED and HIGHLY FAVORED by the MOST HIGH GOD! For we are ROYALTY. We are a are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people.
We show forth the praises of Him -KING JESUS- who has called us out of darkness into His most marvellous light! 
1 peter 2:9)
Thank You for sharing your testimony with us!