Originally Posted by Drake
There is no minister of the age without its starting point the vision of the age. Not everyone in this forum agrees that there is such a thing as a vision or ministry of the age. And those that agree that there are such a things do not agree on what they are. For instance if someone has already dismissed that in Noah’s age he was following a vision or what the vision was then it is pointless to describe Noah as a minister of the age. Under those conditions we would all be asking ....Noah was a minister according to what?
The Bible says that "without a vision the people perish". No one on this forum has disputed that. The NT says that "we have received this ministry". No one on this forum disputes that there is a NT ministry. No one disputes that there are many ministers, servants, slaves of the Lord.
The question that we have asked repeatedly is for a Biblical basis to say that there is "The Minister of The Age".
What is the Biblical basis to divide the NT Age of grace into a bunch of mini ages? It is one way to interpret the 7 churches of Asia, so perhaps you could infer 7 ages. The problem with that is that WL's teaching is that the last 4 churches all occur simultaneously. So then the last 2,000 years could be broken into 4 ages.
So then what we are asking for in this thread is a scriptural reference for "The Minister of the Age".
For example, I think it is fair to say that Moses was "The Minister of the Age". In that age they were releasing the truth concerning the law. However, it is also explicitly clear from Moses himself that he was a type of Christ. In the NT it is explicitly clear that Moses is nothing compared to Christ and that we are to hear Jesus, not Moses.
Likewise you can claim that Elijah was a lead prophet in the age of the prophets. The vision in that age was to establish righteousness in the Kingdom. Once again it is explicitly clear that compared to Jesus Christ Elijah is nothing and we should listen to Jesus, the beloved Son.