The scribes were doctors of the law, who read and expounded the Scripture to the people. They were possessed of the key of knowledge, and occupied the seat of Moses. The Pharisees were a kind of separatists among the Jews, as their name indeed denotes. (
He [Jesus] points out to the people the crimes with which they were chargeable, and the hypocrisy of their conduct.
It is worthy of notice that He does not content Himself with speaking to the guilty parties alone. He unveils their character before the face of the world. They were deceiving the people by their pretences, and therefore the people must he warned against them. The same thing is true of all pretenders in religion. Truth and justice, and love for the souls of men, alike demand that such pretences should be made manifest. (
(Luke 11:52): "Woe unto you lawyers, for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye enter not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered." The first thing they do is take away the key of knowledge. So when you make many of these claims concerning the sins of these doctrines they ask for facts, evidence. If you provide it then they claim you have an agenda. Anyone in the LRC knew that you were not to talk about anything, to do so was indicative of a “poisoned mind”. This is how they take away the key of knowledge. This is why the internet is so important and this forum is important.
The answer to the question of MOTA is to be found in the fact, not that they withheld the word of God, but that they made the commandment of God of none effect by their tradition. This doctrine denies the fact that God is the only teacher and director of His Church. They added to His word their own instructions. They made the redemption of Christ of none effect.