Originally Posted by Drake
Sorry brother. According to your posts, their content and frequency, and the continual citing of decades old offenses.... you have not moved on, you have not forgiven those that offended you, and your approach of besmirching others for their failures, sins, and shortcomings of others is not "contending for the faith" by any stretch of the imagination.
And if you have examined yourself and found yourself to be without sins, failures, or shortcomings on what basis do you flip the Apostle's charge to examining others day in and day out?
All of my posts concerning past offenses do not refer to any offenses against me. You either have not paid attention or do not realize. I had no personal offense from PL, did not know Titus Chu other than meeting him once, did not invest in Daystar.
However, according to Matt 18 it is the responsibility of all of us to hear the offenses others have and to stand with them if your conscience so dictates.
Since I served in LSM for many years I felt a special responsibility to respond to the things said.
Again, have no conscience of any offense with anyone in the LRC.
What I am conscience of is the warnings given by Paul, Peter and James concerning false prophets and the charge given by Jude to contend for the faith.