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Old 11-20-2017, 02:12 PM   #493
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Default Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
That was my opinion as well until I read the Blended's explanation for the quarantine of Titus Chu.

Let's look at what they said were some of the reasons for the quarantine.

1. The “blended brothers” allege that Titus Chu & his co-workers are “separating themselves from the vast majority of the churches, saints, leading brothers, and coworkers throughout the whole earth who are seeking to be faithful to the entire ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, which is the New Testament Ministry”.

2. Point 2a –Titus & some of his co-workers are allegedly “challenging and rejecting the teaching of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee”.

3. Titus & co. are accused of “slandering Living Stream Ministry...declaring that Living Stream Ministry is a headquarters exercising control over the churches throughout the earth.” [Point 2b]

7. The “Warning Letter” says Titus opposes the practice of “One Publication,” which is not an item of the common faith, but a matter of “one trumpet sound of the ministry.” [Point 2f]

8. Titus & his co-workers are condemned for “promoting their own publications” [Point 2g.]
All that is factual.

It is a matter of the work. I love and respect Brother Titus and he has helped me personally and some of the things he ministered decades ago have stuck with me all these years.

Yet, there was something going on there that was not in coordination and fellowship as a co-worker with other co-workers. That never works out and it didn't then either. In the NT the work needed a lot of fellowship and oftentimes it just did not work out as the accounts of contention in the work clearly demonstrate. Titus was not opposed to Brother Lee, nor with the role of Brother Lee's ministry, rather..... there was a disagreement between Titus and the other brothers regarding the work and frankly a schism was festering that could have damaged all the churches. It had to be addressed and many attempts were made to do just that.

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