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Old 11-20-2017, 06:02 AM   #479
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Default Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
Why is it ridiculous? Why would the apostles warn us of false brethren who sneak in to bring us into captivity if it were not true? We see the Judaizers in Acts, we see references to this by James, and Peter and Paul. In the book of Revelation we see the 7 churches, almost all with major deficiencies.

This is clearly the central issue to Evangelical and to many who are in the LRC. They came from "churches" that were deficient and they are seeking "the true church". If you want to have a conversation with them over this subject then you have to address their concern.
But ... can we ever have real "conversations" when Evangelical and Drake never address our concerns?
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