Originally Posted by Mysteria
I agree whole heartedly with the spirit of your message, and that's the important thing.
- I'm not an athiest; I'm a polythiest pagan.
Do you practice Wiccan ? Or worship gods like the Egyptians? Do you worship Allah? Who do you 'credit' or 'blame' evil? Where does it initiate from your perspective?
Not being critical or judgmental... just curious who and what your worship since you are a polythiest pagan.
- I suggest always keeping in mind who gets to tell the story, and who gets to spin it, especially when it comes to stories about women, and especially stories about women in power. Think about it. Did SHE think her gods were false? How do we know she WASN'T a prophetess?
You have to read the entire account for yourself and derive the spiritual significance of the account not just the historical aspect. In this world there are very powerful, controlling, manuplative people in both the religious and secular realms.. politics, corporations, religious institutions, relationships. Just take a look at the headlines in the last month or so!! All these powerful men (mostly) who intimidated young boys/girls..young women in Hollywood and elsewhere.
and really, she "made him weak?" As you pointed out, he made a choice. No one makes someone else weak.
Again.. you have to read the entire account for yourself. And yes.. controlling, manipulative people can weaken strong people. Egypt, Greece, Rome were once very powerful nations.. and they came crumbling down when they were weakened.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist or a spiritual person to see that !! Also, many of the 'powerful' women in Hollywood today are coming out stating that when they were young, these powerful moguls sexually harassed them, intimated them, groped them, raped them and were threatened if they said anything to anyone. Pedophilia is rampant in Hollywood. Are the children that have been violated weak because they did not say anything?
But many like Angelina Jolie who claimed she was sexually harassed at 16 yrs old is now a powerful, successful Hollywood elite herself! And I'm sure she has controlled, manipulated people herself!
A true leader does not blame someone else for making them weak.
In the case of Jezebel and Ahab, I never said he was a true leader. He was not from the get go!
Just because a person has a high political or religious position does not make them true leaders.
Though I'd tell that story differently, I still recognize the truth in the message.
Thank you for reading my explanation.