Yes!! No one should be treated this way! NO ONE! Especially from the LC/LSM! I recently went on a prison ministry 'mission' for 4 days where we cooked home made meals to 42 locked up inmates who committed really bad crimes. The men who talked to the prisoners befriended and ministered to them from 7am - 7pm. They then return once a week. The love those guys felt moved me deeply. The prisoners repeated the same story tearfully, they never felt loved growing up or in society.
I have already shared this experience and only recapping because the LSM has
no Love for people and if they do not love people, they do not love GOD.
Stories like KNB and Mysteria are simply exposing religion and it's zealots. In our case because we came out of the LC/LSM we identify. But it happens in all groups. My bible study group has a couple who were Mormons for 30 yrs and were high up in the ranks so much so, they will not talk about it. ISIS and the radical Muslim bunch are zealots for their religion too and they have no love either.
And btw, not all Atheists are kind and loving. My brother was one. He passed away a few years ago but you know what, before he did, I asked him if I could pray over him. He said yes. He could have said no. After I prayed, I asked him if he wanted to pray with me and he said yes. Again, he could have said no.
His daughter is a 'militant' atheist. She and her dad, my brother were not close. My poor brother had no love in him. The Catholic church did him wrong as a boy and he never trusted religion or anyone until I came into his life 12 yrs ago. He was always too afraid to love so never showed it or gave it out. He merely was a provider for the family.
John 10:10 tells us the Thief is out to steal, kill and destroy. He sure is doing a bang up job. But we know how the story ends.
My niece, his daughter is a bit like Jeckyl and Hyde.
She has a sweet, tender side to her and a hard heart as well. She is a practicing Psychologist who counsels transgenders, gays, sexually abused women and men.
Everyone is looking for Love.. and most people are looking in the wrong places.
I am Blessed LOVE found me and reached out to me. I have forgiven all who have hurt me, betrayed me, used me, controlled me, manipulated me and deceived me. I have forgiven them because I have been forgiven too. I am sure I hurt people too, intentionally and unintentionally.
I echo what
least wrote:
I am experiencing this first hand (the Love of God) as a believer of Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus and the power of His Spirit are real, powerful, and active. But as an fyi, like many people here, after I left the LC in 1977/78, I put Jesus in the back burner... way back... until 2004. That's when I reached out to HIM out of desperation, having hit the bottom of the rock bottom.
I pray that He heals you of the wrong the religious zealots did to you as He did me and many of us here.
PEACE be with us all.