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Old 11-15-2017, 11:12 AM   #41
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Default Re: Can I be candid?

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Not easy to steal your lines bro.

For those who believe God (Hebrews chapter 11 provides a brief summary of some long before 500BC), the Problem of Evil is not a problem, rather an admission that "His ways are not our ways."
The old 'only God knows the grand plan' routine. I remember that. It never added up. Even when I was a dyed in the wool LC believer it didn't make sense. I mean, if God has a grand plan, why keep it to Himself?

Please God tell me. Tell me how your grand plan includes drowming everybody, and it's a good thing. Or tell me why babies have to die and in your grand plan it's a good thing.

Now I wonder how God can do evil and in his grand plan it's a good thing.

Anyway, it's all been discussed on the POE thread, down next door to Tartarus, in AltVs.
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