Re: Smoking Gun?
Good evening folks. I wanted to jump back in here and give a big thanks for all the info and stories and encouragement that was shared in response to my query. I deeply appreciate what was shared- although I'm sure I didn't quite catch nearly all of it- I don't claim to be the sharpest knife in the drawer. I have decided to move on and not continue to fellowship with the LC in my area. I honestly can't nail it down to one reason- or even a couple- I guess I didn't find my "smoking gun". But I do sense the Holy Spirit moving me away from this group and on to... well, I don't really know exactly what. There are some things I will miss and honestly doubt I will easily find in another fellowship. The open sharing, the lack of the One Man in Charge (Pastor X), the apparent equality, the use of biblical lingo- so much of it had the feeling of Acts. I'll be honest and say I'm sorta sad- kinda like I found out that a person I was getting to know had horrible character defects and I needed to cut off the relationship. I'm gonna miss the "what I hoped it coulda been". I know God has someplace for my wife and I to serve/grow/give/get/share. This hasn't at all lessened my appreciation for Christ or who I am in Him. But it has been another apparent example of the insidious nature of pride- at least in my opinion that was the main downfall of WL- but I could easily be wrong and ultimately that's between he and Christ. So I rejoice that I've been adopted, cleaned up a bit and loved by an Awesome Savior- how eternally grateful I am to be His and know where I'm going when this crazy ride is done. And what a mission He has put us on- to know Him and make Him known- and I hope I'm faithful to Him til He takes me home. Thanks again for all the input. May we each take seriously and joyfully the opportunity we have been given through Christ- all glory to Him!