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Old 11-14-2017, 01:54 PM   #23
Guest M
Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 28
Default Re: Can I be candid?

You can be as condescending as you like. I can also take it. I just don't put up with it. It kinda doesn't seem like you can, though...

I *am* a little raw, true, particularly after the things coming up from joining here and what it brings back. As to not being "ready," it's been years since I was in the LC. I've done plenty of processing. I would not say I'm easily offended, and I'm certainly knowledgeable about the topic. Also, I love discussing it when people are interested.

What I'm struggling to understand is why you would be surprised that question would be offensive? I realize that most of the time when people say things like what I listed, they have no idea they are being offensive. But I feel like for thinking people, it should not be too much of a stretch to consider their words when talking to someone of a different background. Sure we can discuss it openly. But I have to say, I don't quite understand exactly why you would not think that telling a person their religion involves fake deities might not be offensive, and even deliberate?

Granted, it is not often people run into neo pagans unless you're in certain circles, so your question reflects i think the cultural assumption that other mythologies are widely accepted to be fairy tales. But that doesn't translate to me why you might ask the question you did in a way that implies surely it CAN'T be that? Maybe you meant it to be lighthearted, but I would like to think you can understand how that might not be the best thing to say to someone of an unfamiliar religion?

Context wise, your timing may just have been unfortunate, considering there were several things, not all here, that added up to my agitation. ALL of that was not directed at you, and I'm sorry if you received it that way. But I think just as it is useful for someone like me to be able to not be easily offended, it is useful for someone like you to be willing to accept criticism for appearing to not take someone else's beliefs as seriously as your own, whether you meant to or not.

I can empathize with being misunderstood. I would readily apologize if that's the case, and you can help me understand that that's what happened. That being said, reacting the way you are, passive-aggressively insulting me and suggesting I'm not knowledgeable (which I am) or can't talk about my religion (which I do regularly) is not the most graceful way to handle it. And if you think that's going to work in making me feel bad, or drive me away, haven't been paying attention. The "you're too sensitive" reaction is a familiar tactic to remove personal responsibility, and I'm not in the habit of indulging it.

Why don't we start over? What exactly is the question you meant to ask me? Your original question comes off as rhetorical, not like you really expected an answer. I was actually very surprised by it. Maybe your actual inquiry was lost in translation? Keeping in mind the challenges of communicating through text...
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