Originally Posted by Mysteria
I have also already had the comment that I follow a religion that has deities "we" now "know" are figments of the imagination. Also rude, condescending, and therefore not receiving a response.
Mysteria, I'm so sorry that you've been so traumatized by the local church that you've become too sensitive to discuss your paganism.
Everyone, I'm the one that asked her on her blog, about believing in gods that we now know to be figments of the imagination. Here's what I posted on her blog :
So what is it about Paganism that you like? Surely it couldn’t be believing in gods we now know as figments of the imagination. It must be something else.
So Mysteria, you consider that question to be rude and condescending, why? Can't we discuss it openly, without offense being taken? Maybe I've read too much mythology, and about too many of the gods from those ancient days. Or maybe you don't know anything about such matters, and that's why you become offended.
But okay, just come out here and express yourself -- I love it -- and we won't respond, cuz we might be rude and condescending if we do. How are we ever going to know what offends you?
Maybe right now you're too raw to be on a forum, or have a blog. Maybe you need more time to heal.
That said, I'm sorry if I offended you on your blog. That was not my intention at all. I'll just butt out. I hope for your speedy recovery. And that was intentionally condescending. Feel free to be rude to me. I've healed from my local church trauma, I can take it.