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Old 11-14-2017, 10:00 AM   #407
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 524
Default Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post

Actually Witness Lee's "position" among his followers was something more powerful, more influential and more controlling than that of the POTUS, or President of the United States. The President and his power, influence and control is limited and balanced by two other equal branches of government - the legislative and judicial branches. (Interestingly enough, many Christian denominations have instituted such a leadership structure for the same reasons as the US government - to limit and balance the power, influence and control of the chief executive)

While I'm not suggesting in any way, shape or form that the Christian church formally, or even informally, institute such a governmental structure, I would point out the abject inherit dangers for a church group or movement that allows one single person to dictate "The Vision of the Age" through his personal ministry, "The Ministry of the Age", which is headed up solely by himself as "The Minister of the Age". This dynamic in the Local Church couldn't be any more or any less official than is described on the Local Church/LSM official website :

Whether or not there is the use of capitol letters is actually quite irrelevant. The OFFICIAL, PUBLISHED POSITION of the OFFICIAL leadership in the Local Church Movement is that there is ONE, SINGLE Vision of the Age, there is ONE, SINGLE Ministry of the Age, there is ONE, SINGLE Minister of the Age. All roads lead to Mr. Witness Lee. So anyone here is free to haggle, to massage or soften the firm, crystal clear declarations of the movement leaders, or to play verbal footsie with these declarations or acronyms - what they are not free to do is claim that the actual teachings, practices and history in the Local Church are being misrepresented here on this forum.

UntoHim, thank you for pointing this out. Another thing very extreme about the "MOTA" concept--LC members not only believe that Witness Lee is/was the "minister of the age" but the final "minister of the age" and the "minister of the present age," even though he has been dead for 20 years. So, this is not just "POTUS;" it's worse. It is more akin to the North Korean concept of "Eternal President" (and don't forget, the "minister of the age" is also "the acting God").
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