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Old 11-14-2017, 09:24 AM   #13
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Default Re: Can I be candid?

Originally Posted by KindnessNotBlindness View Post
Aron, thank you for the response. l am not a man hater and interestingly enough I had no problem with brothers leading. I had problems with the corruption, elitism, and entitlement the brothers embodied while taking the lead. Along with them trying to counsel others and they had no light or discernment. Very, very troubling!
KindnessNotBlindness, welcome to the forum!

Thanks for being so candid and articulate. Your story is really not unique, and that is why this forum exists in the first place. I was active in the LC's for way too many years before the full extent of "corruption, elitism, and entitlement" hit me square in the face. (Literally at one point.) Every one in that system is expendable in order for them to maintain their pristine image of exclusivism, elitism, and privilege. About the time of my departure, one day it really hit me that this program "produces bullies out of beloved brothers." History informs us that this is just a symptom of any system that places loyalty to a fallen man and his legacy.

Contrary to all of LSM's many books, this ministry headquartered in Anaheim is the same ministry of condemnation that we saw in the N.T. opposing Jesus and His disciples. It imprisons people in fear, legalism, and condemnation long after they quit meeting with them. It regularly heaps a laundry list of demands upon its adherents. They never feel truly loved by God because they can never qualify. In order to live their lives in sanity, many members must live a double life of hypocrisy, which you have mentioned in your posts. I watched many dear brothers and sisters simply bide their time in compliance, waiting for the eventual day of their escape.

KNB, it's all so sad! If I could say a word for your parents, being one myself, when they first contacted the churchlife it was a better place, though far from perfect. It really deteriorated over time. Under Benson Phillips, Texas took the lead in blind, zealous, loyalty to Witness Lee. After so many years, your folks' lives are intertwined with the LC. When we left the LC, we nearly had no friends, since LC people are not permitted friends, either within or without the LC.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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