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Old 11-13-2017, 08:43 PM   #3
Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 12
Default Re: Can I be candid?

Zeek, thank you so much for the welcome. Before I respond to your question I will just say that being atheist has brought me so much peace after 34 years, I'm 36, of being in the "church life" and do not want to be persuaded back to religion. I think the transition was inevitable as I felt "God" or any other supreme being is wicked for letting people suffer and blame it on "Satan". I asked my mother if she would ever be okay with me dying or anything bad happening to me. If she would stop me from being harmed would she. I knew the answer to that question but I asked. If "God" has the key to Hades and he defeated the Devil then why am I hearing on the news about a 3 year girl clinging to her mother's lifeless body when she died in a flood. I am the victim of a sexual assault and I can promise you "God" was NOT there and neither was Satan. I was alone. No it did not make me a stronger person. I felt abandoned by this "God" that I had worshipped and loved and thought loved me. Things happen, I believe, for no other reason then things happen. Also, as a psych nurse who treats patients with auditory and visual hallucinations and see patients who are hyperreligious or who get on their knees to pray to a God who does not, will not, and cannot heal their sick minds I can assure you I no longer believe in this Hallucination. Being "in the Spirit" to me is a contagious phenomenon. Mind over matter, if you will. Reading the Bible I feel as though my patients could have written it and it would be the same. Just my opinion. Leaving religion behind was so freeing to me. I find that other atheist are wonderful people with good morals and good ethics. They tend to be nonjudgmental and kind to others. It is interesting to be a Black woman who was first in the LC and now atheist because I felt judged in the church life and now judged as an atheist because most Black people are raised in the church. There are more who are becoming atheist and I am happy this is occurring!
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