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Old 11-13-2017, 09:34 AM   #66
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Default Re: Why Everyone Else is a Denomination

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Still nay nay... and throw in another nay for good measure. It appears that either you have convinced yourself of this "submission to Witness Lee" doctrine or you know better and are hoping to convince others.
Nay, nay is correct.

Drake, either you are really not active in the LC's for the last 40 years as you claim to have been, or you know better and are just hoping to convince others.

Which is it?

Years ago I migrated to help startup two new LC's in the GLA. Ten years ago I watched operatives from LSM sent by your Blended Leaders cause insurrections (aka divisions) in both of these LC's over the ministry of Witness Lee.

In one LC, LSM trainers taught the saints to groan out loud and mutter "Oooooh Loooooord Jeeeeeesus" during the time of ministry after the Lord's Table because the HWFMR was not consulted instead of the Bible. Quite distasteful! In the other LC, several sisters were instructed to rise and just walk out in protest when the HWFMR was not used in the meeting.

Neither set of elders were faulted in any way acc. to the scriptures. There was one dividing issue, and only one -- the demand to exclusively use the writings of Witness Lee in the church meetings. No other request was made. Both times outside operatives from LSM instigated disrespectful and rebellious attitudes in the LC's which were designed to undermine the authority of established elderships.


All of your cheap talk about oneness and the ground of oneness means nothing when it comes to the ministry of Witness Lee and the use and purchase of only his books.
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