Re: Moving On
So far the argument from Drake and Evangelical is that there are leaders in Christianity, the term MOTA is simply equivalent to leaders just like Paul, Peter, and other church leaders.
When asked about the well documented claims that people were told "we follow Lee", or "Even if he is wrong he is right" or "We only teach what Lee teaches" the response is that there is a presumption there they are not willing to accept. And to be fair many if not all of these comments are edited out of LSM publications. Therefore it falls into a "he said, he said" waste of time. Except for those of us who have witnessed this first hand. For us it seems very strange that Drake who claims to have known these various brothers for decades never heard or witnessed the things we heard and witnessed from them.
But when asked about testimonies of those who were excommunicated for not receiving the MOTA doctrine they are silent. Except to critique the forum and say that comments and posts on this forum are not appropriate as though the issue isn't that someone got excommunicated, but rather the issue is they didn't complain properly.
When asked further on this they suggest the proper way is to set up a meeting, yet there have been a number of documented cases where that did not work. John Ingalls documents some in his book, many others have been documented on this forum.
They also suggest sending an email -- something that many did, most notably Indiana. They also suggest sending a letter, registered mail, etc. All of which Indiana did.
In conclusion the things done in the name of MOTA are indefensible from a Biblical or righteous point of view.
2nd -- The key doctrine necessary for the MOTA doctrine to exist is "The Ground of the Church" doctrine. Take this doctrine away and there is no basis for WN or WL to claim to be the MOTA.
Hence these are the two fundamental doctrines to WL's sect that make it a damnable heresy.
They shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God