Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah
You said very clearly that you felt the response by many on this forum was in some way inappropriate.
Therefore I told you how I approached Ed Marks and discussed this with him and the response of both Ed and the church.
I would like you to tell me what the appropriate way would have been to approach Ed Marks.
I had learned that saints had been hurt, offended and in some cases left the recovery over this. Therefore I felt I had a responsibility to take these concerns to Ed.
So please, since you have already critiqued the response of many, tell me what I could have done that would have been more appropriate?
My take... since you insist....I think you picked the wrong time and place. If you had a relationship with Ed why not reconnect that evening and then ask him if you can call him or email to discuss an important matter. Doing it the way you did on that occasion probably seemed like an ambush.... you pulled out a letter about a 30 year old event, he tried to say kindly he hoped that since PL was dead it would be less of an issue, you pressed him apparently wanting to extract something more out of him more than he could provide, he was a guest at the event so he brought it NY elders attention, they apparently thought you were inappropriately taking advantage of the situation. .. so they walked you out the door.
Yeah, I think you could have handled it differently. That's how I see it from your description.