Originally Posted by Evangelical
In the early church, when a new convert was made.. where did they expect them to meet/fellowship? Did the apostles expect new converts to join their churches?
There was probably no alternative. That's what makes the current discussion irrelevant.
I am not sure what is outward and artificial about actually trying to be the church in the locality, and if we try to be such, why would we not encourage others to join us?
You don't need to "try to be" something. You either are, or you're not. And your group does not equal "the church." You are taking a spiritual principle and applying it narrowly. Your group and "the church" are not the same thing.
You seem to be saying that there is no true local expressions or that all groups meeting every Sunday are such an expression?
If there even is such a thing ("true local expression"), I'll let God take care of it. It is the height of presumption to claim such a designation for oneself. I'm sure the Lord is not happy with it.