Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah
Paul was an apostle who was commissioned to "complete the word of God".
However, I do not understand this word "unique". There were 12 apostles. There were numerous writers of the NT, in fact many books appear to have been something of a collaborative work.
That said, as much as I appreciate Paul, I do not consider him as a "small h head in the church" as you put it. I find that terminology insulting to the head, Jesus Christ. I also find it incongruous to a basic understanding of biology.
There is only one person, Jesus Christ, that you should be required to confess.
The issue I have with MOTA is not that WL was the leader of your group. I don't even care that you have to pledge allegiance to WL to be in the group. What I do care about is that you portray yourselves as Christians, pretend to be standing on the Bible, and at the very same time that you do that you also require elders to sign a loyalty pledge to Witness Lee and you excommunicate those who have an issue with this.
I care that one of your so called "leaders", Joe Davis, admits that he will not teach anything that Witness Lee doesn't teach, as though Witness Lee is Lord.
I care that another one of your so called leaders, Ed Marks, told me that he signed the apology letter to a sexual predator because "it made Witness Lee happy". I am not here to please man, but your so called leaders are.
I care that another one of your so called leaders, Benjamin Chen (he recently passed), had me removed from the meeting hall because I wanted Ed to explain that letter to me. I went to Ed according to Matt 18, as prescribed by the Lord, yet listening to the Lord is not permitted in the meeting halls of the LRC.
These are three examples of my first hand experience. All three of these experiences are blatantly condemned in the NT by Paul and the other apostles.
So you believe that Vincent's word studies is insulting to Jesus Christ.
To understand the term "unique", consider, why the New Testament is not comprised of one book from each of the 12 disciples and Paul's letters made up almost 50% of the New Testament? There were 12 apostles, were all they all of equal importance? The very composition of our bibles seems to suggestion not. Also, the contributions of Paul seem to outweigh Peter, James and John despite these 3 being more personally acquainted with Christ than Paul.