Originally Posted by Koinonia
Again, you are equating your Witness Lee group with the universal church.
Our "group" is the local visible expression of the universal church that is why we take no name as God did not name the church.
What other groups in your city do you think are local visible expressions of the universal church that also do not take any name?
Originally Posted by Koinonia
You can't "do" anything. Are you a believer, Evangelical? Then, you are part of the church.
You are talking about the invisible aspects I am talking about the practical aspects. How can we be the true church practically? You said before we are not the true church. I think you are meaning in the practical sense because you believe that believers are part of the true church, and we are believers. So I'm asking how can we be in a practical way? What do we have to do or be like to be the true practical church in the city? The Catholic and Orthodox are already doing what they believe they have to do to be the true practical church in the city, and we are as well, but which one is the right approach?