Originally Posted by zeek
I'm curious about Kangas' proposition that both Nee and Lee are ministers of the present age. When I participated in the Local Church Movement, the leaders discouraged us from reading Nee's books, saying that we should only ingest the up-to-date ministry of Witness Lee.
I was not discouraged, I was "steered". Our bookroom had both, I was told that Nee was "HS" and Lee was "college". But I ignored that advice. I had personally felt one of Lee's book's I read was a waste of time and didn't make that mistake again. However, we were definitely discouraged from reading non approved versions of Nee.
Originally Posted by zeek
Now both Nee and Lee are MOTAs of the "present age." Previously the principle was that could only be one MOTA per age. Now you've got two? Doesn't having two violate the principle?
Reminds me of the two high priests involved in Jesus crucifixion.
Originally Posted by zeek
And doesn't dying end the age of one's MOTAhood? Kangas mocked the Lutherans for their continuing reverence for MOTA Martin Luther 500 years later. But, the LSM's continued reverence of the Nee and Lee MOTAhood raises the question whether MOTAhood has "term limits".
I think the significance is they haven't had a fresh word from the Lord in many, many years.
Originally Posted by zeek
Of course, when I was in the Local Church Movement, we weren't allowed to ask questions so I suppose I can't expect a straight answer on any of this from Ron Kangas or Drake or Evangelical. But, I can't stop myself from seeing the apparent contradictions.
It is pretty obvious really, look at a ? see how crooked it is. It even looks like a snake.
Originally Posted by zeek
So, Drake do you suppose I'll be in trouble at the judgment seat for asking too many questions? Witness Lee said questions were serpents like the devil. But Jesus asked a lot of questions. Who should I follow?
Finally, an easy question -- Jesus