Re: What is a Good Church Anyway?
There are plenty of good churches out there. And the ones that "don't seem good", according to a kind of naturalistic reckoning, might offer the best opportunities to serve others. Remember that you didn't get saved to find the best choir or the most erudite preacher. You got saved to serve. So serve. Where the need is, the Lord will there supply the grace.
But I'd avoid churches whose leadership loudly and continually points out the flaws of everyone else, whether of parishioners who (apparently) need "perfecting" and "training" in front of the rest, or whether of those Christians not present, deemed "Babylon" or "fallen and degraded Christianity"; yet these same leaders ask you to overlook their own shortcomings, saying, "Hey, nobody's perfect".
Witness Lee told us to bear with his "messy kitchen", but he delighted in looking at everyone else's messy kitchen. And speaking of culinary metaphors, what of his (ahem) "unspiritual chef", for that matter - who'd want to be discipled in that kind of atmosphere? I wouldn't.
Other than that, most churches would probably be "good" churches; if the Spirit points and says, 'Go', then go.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'