Originally Posted by Drake
The farce Koinonia is that you and others use Brother John Ingalls when you run out of anything convincing to say about a topic. Frankly, I think it is appalling that you use that disgusting situation as the basis of all your arguments regardless of the actual conversation. In the past, I wondered how one might identify an obsession but this forum has certainly helped to see obsession in all its pitiful wallowing.
Drake, thank you for
finally admitting to us that you were aware of the corruption and unrighteousness at LSM. You were part of the problem, and never part of the solution.
The sordid, abusive and degenerate history of Timothy and Philip Lee, as bad as it was, is really not what troubled all the brothers, including me.
I suppose all of us are entitled to a bad child or two. Aye?
I give all politicians a pass for being liars and crooks, so I could do the same for W. Lee. What I can't overlook is treason, siding with the enemy to damage the family of God.
So, what troubled us was Lee's own behavior, and not just with Ingalls, but going back to China, Taiwan, and the US. The many and regular "storms" in the Recovery were
never about persecution or rebellion, rather they were always used by W. Lee to silence those who spoke their conscience. Those over the years who stuck out their neck on behalf of righteousness in order to protect the children of God. In return, Lee and his cadre bore false witness against them via slander and libel. It worked pretty well until the internet came along. No wonder he hated it so much.
Drake, you are not responsible for what you don't know, but for what you do know. Shame on you for siding with unrighteousness.