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Old 11-08-2017, 02:31 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default What is a Good Church Anyway?

What is a good church?

The main belief in Christianity today is that there are a plethora of churches to choose from, and they all relatively good or bad according to some desirable or not so desirable characteristics. "e.g. this one is friendly, this one has a good pastor, this one has bad music" etc.

Coupled with this belief is the idea that we must "find a good church". Often you hear people say "this is a good church" and "this is a bad church", or "I want to find a good church". Many Christians are on a quest to find a church which is "more good" than theirs. Newly converted Christians have a worrisome task ahead of them to choose a "good church".

People are normally thinking of a list of qualities that they believe are desirable. Today there is a church to cater for almost every list of desirable qualities one could think of.

In fact, many Christians think it is biblical to find a good church. They believe that God would want them to find a church, and secondly that God wants them to find a good one.

I do not think that is the case. I do not think God wants us to "find a good church". Did I just say God wants us to find a bad one or not find fellowship? No, I did not say that. I said "finding a good church" is not necessarily God's will.

You want me to prove from the Bible? Firstly, how about you find a verse that commands us to "find a good church". The term "a good church" is not found in the bible. Paul did not say, "I'm going to travel to this good church over here and then to this really bad one over here.". Imagine, after Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus, he said "now I have to find a good church".

An illustration from marriage.

In the Bible, both Old and New Testament, wife is used as a metaphor for God's people or church. So I think it is okay to use verses about marriage and church interchangeably.

The Bible says:

Prov 18:22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.

Note it does not say whoever finds a good wife, finds a good thing. See where I'm going?

Replacing the word wife with church, it says:

"Whoever finds a church finds a good thing. ".

Finding a "good church" is not about finding a church which matches your list of desirable qualities or expectations. If you find Christian fellowship, then it is good.

You see, the "good" in marriage is the marriage itself. Being married is better than not being married. Being the church is better than not being the church. What is good is that we, as blood-bought believers, are the church. Look at yourself in the mirror, look at your believing family, these are the "good church". You don't need to look much further. A church is not good or bad just because you like it or don't like it. All believers, in God's eyes are good because of Christ.

With Adam, he found Eve (well, God brought her to Him). He found a wife and it was good, very good in fact. But Eve, she was the worst wife on the planet and we all know why.

Remember Hosea? God told him to marry a girl who he knew was going to be a whore. Was it a bad marriage? No, his marriage was good.

So what's God's perspective on it according to the Bible?:
Marriage is good
Church is good.

Let's consider the negative side:
Divorce is bad
Division is bad

Which of the churches in Revelation were good and which were bad? They all had problems, but they were all churches. Jesus never classifies them according to good or bad. He never says "oh that church in Sardis, you a bad church".

We can't say much more about it than that.

The general biblical principles of a "good church" are:

1. No one is good, only God alone is good. Church is the people therefore there is no "good church".
2. Church is good - God desires Christians to fellowship.
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