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Old 11-08-2017, 12:42 PM   #301
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Default Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Originally Posted by Koinonia View Post
Your post is yet another demonstration of the classic leap from "ground of the church" to "minister of the age." LC members start by defending one and then somehow leap to the other. It is a total contradiction of belief.

You have no idea what I am referring to. You color your world one way over and over and therefore cannot see any other hues.

How about this scenario.....

A couple move to a city where there was a local church but the brothers there no longer followed the ministry of Brother Lee. The couple not wanting to start another local church opened a dialogue with the elder of that local church to share their sincere desire to meet with them even though they no longer followed the ministry of Brother Lee. The couple also recognized that Brother Lees ministry was replaced by an opposing leading brother’s own ministry and speaking. Nevertheless, the couple said they wanted to meet anyway rather than start another local church in the same city. However, the couple would not be willing to throw away everything the Lord has shown them nor would they be silent about the nourishment they received from Brother Lees ministry and yet they would endeavor to fellowship in life and mutuality and receive in the same spirit from the brothers and sisters in that local church. The elder, his wife, and the couple agreed and felt this was a good arrangement. Then the elder said he needed to “check with the leading brothers in the lead church” and if the leading brothers in the lead church also agreed with the arrangement and were willing to receive the couple then he would notify the couple and they could start meeting together right away. Weeks passed, no call. Months passed, no call. The elder never called the couple to receive them into the fellowship. Obviously, the dissenting leading brothers did not agree with the elder.

The couple would have been justified establishing a true local church in the same city.

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