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Old 11-06-2017, 06:14 PM   #262
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Default Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
I'm certain that will not satisfy those who seek to condemn and slander the brothers and sisters in the Lord's Recovery
I'll freely condemn and slander the system of the local church, their far out extra-Biblical teachings, and leaders, but not the brothers and sisters.

We don't condemn and slander people that require a crutch to walk. Why should we condemn or slander someone that needs the crutch of following a man?

We're all different. Some of us need someone to follow and some of us don't.

After the LC I decided I would never hook my wagon to a man ever again. It took me awhile, but I eventually learned to think for myself, and live on my own, without following someone else.

It hasn't always been easy, but I find comfort in the fact that it could always be worse ; I could still be in the LC.

And obviously, I'd like those in the LC to learn to live without following a man, but that's something they're gonna have to hopefully work out on their own.

Some people need a crutch to walk. They're not bad people. And it would be cruel to kick the crutch out from under someone that needs it, before their leg is strong enough to walk without it.

May those in the LC become strong enough to live without their crutch.
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