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Old 11-06-2017, 01:57 PM   #253
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Default Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

UntoHIm> ".....the only official definitions of these three pillars is the ones that emanate from the headquarters their on La Palma in Anaheim.
They are clearly delineated here:"

Yes, they are clearly delineated there..... but not here. There is no use of MOTA as if it were some official position like POTUS or SCOTUS or CEO. The use of "Minister of the Age" is used correctly in a title of a section of the article. In the body of the article Kerry is careful to use lowercase "minister of the age". His meaning is clear when he wrote:

We should not be those who covet or vie for a name or position."

A minister of the age is not a position ..... it is a function, a description, or an identifier. I'm certain that will not satisfy those who seek to condemn and slander the brothers and sisters in the Lord's Recovery but those are the facts as clearly delineated in the article.

However, I wholeheartedly agree that anyone that wants to understand what the local churches teach about those three items should read that article. It is very well done.


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