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Old 11-06-2017, 06:17 AM   #245
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Default Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
In other words, you cannot claim to be “speaking the truth in love” and deny that others such as Evangelical or myself are speaking the truth in love. Frankly, I do not understand how anyone who claims to be speaking the truth in love can do so with the vitriolic and caustic attitude toward fellow believers who meet in the local church .... words and attitudes as are so often exhibited in this forum..... and yet where is “the love” in that ?
Drake, are you now playing the victim?

And you included Evangelical too? Some of the things he has posted to me are not fit for family reading. Is he also a victim? He is more critical of the untold members of the body of Christ than even Lee was.

Funny how you become faux outraged by the phrase “speaking the truth in love.” John Ingalls had justification to say that, but the supporters of LSM?

And where is all the "vitriolic and caustic attitude?" I have read on this thread many challenges to LSM hypocrisy, numerous polemic disputes over your many extra-biblical assertions, and endless scripture quoted to reject these claims, but now ZNP has a "bad attitude?" I think you are being overly subjective and way too sensitive here.

Btw, you have no idea what "vitriolic and caustic attitudes" are until you read some of the comments following any online political news report.
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