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Old 11-06-2017, 04:51 AM   #240
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 174
Default Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
No need for you to be combative.
To your last question we agree.
To your request to define define “MOTA” I define it as someone whom God selects and uses to carry out His move in certain time and place. Examples of this from the Bible include Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Saul, David, Solomon, Nehemiah, Daniel, etc. and in the New Testament first and foremost our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the Captain of our salvation and great ascended Head of the universal Body of Christ, and then after His ascension there is Peter with the keys of the kingdom and Paul, etc.

Do you agree with definition? If not, why not?

Thank you Drake for the reply. I requested an answer from you in case you have biblical knowledge that confirms LSM MOTA is God ordained.
To your question: -
Do you agree with definition? If not, why not?

1. First of all, the definition is yours. “I define it as” … You did not state- the bible defines it as …
My purpose was to find from the bible, definition of ‘the age’ and definition of LSM MOTA (ministry of the age, minister of the age, ministers of the age).
So far, the responses I had, are individual interpretations of ‘the age’ and MOTA. (Thank you all for the responses).
To individual views of ‘the age’ and MOTA- I respect your views. I do not want to agree or disagree with the individual views. I want to study the bible’s views.

2. You define it (MOTA) as someone whom God selects and uses to carry out His move in certain time and place.
What is His move in certain time and place?
Your examples are bible characters listed in chronological order. You have not explained how each is MOTA. And how LSM MOTA is/are biblical.

Including Jesus in the list of bible characters is not appropriate. Jesus is not in the same category.

3. The LSM MOTA with its ‘controlling vision’ that ‘governs your lives’ is LSM/LC internal affairs/politics. I once was totally in it, amen and repeat WL messages and live no other way, and know no other people except LCers. The Holy Spirit worked in me and for me, and I booted myself out of there. After out and only reading the bible that I bit by bit discovered the ‘control’ and ‘govern’ that are not biblical.

Unless the bible confirms LSM MOTA is God ordained, rejecting LSM MOTA is NOT rejecting bible record.
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