Originally Posted by Evangelical
You could use this argument to justify offending a weak brother's conscience, directly contradicting Paul's instructions.
e.g. "That's like saying the only way eating food sacrificed to idols would cause someone to stumble is if they have their faith in an idol instead of Jesus."
It seems you are trying to justify not following Paul by blaming the weak brother.
I think you have over-generalized a specific instruction on eating food sacrificed to idols.
Paul accused false apostles and wrong doings of the believers many times in his epistles, so you would say he stumbled weak brothers?
Is there any specific reference in the bible that we should tolerate false teachers in order not to stumble weak believers?
For me, Rev 2:20 tells us not to tolerate:
But I have something against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, she who calls herself a prophetess and teaches and leads My slaves astray to commit fornication and to eat idol sacrifices.