Originally Posted by Terry
I tend to regard the LSM/LC teaching of MOTO as a fallacy. It's to give a measure of self-importance. As if in order for the Lord to return, LSM is the center for it to happen.
Historically if we were to examine Lee, Nee, Darby, etc, what does that say about other ministers of those eras?
Take Darby's era. If one believes the notion he's the MOTA I suppose that relegates Newton, Mueller, Chapman, Taylor, and Spurgeon as irrelevant. Same can be said in Lee's era. There's Tozer, Sparks, Singh, and all the brothers Lee was mentored with under Nee's tutelage. They're all irrelevant.
Or the contrarian view maybe these brothers are MOTA because their ministry's support the Local Church model.
I regard it as a gimmick to justify a monopoly in the bookworm, to maximize sales, and simply to make money.
For example, the Recovery Version of the NT and then the Bible with footnotes is called "the gold bar" by those who work in the printing at LSM (Ray Graver, etc). Imagine you have 10,000 saints, each one has at least one "gold bar" maybe more.
So how do you make it critical for every saint to have one of these in the meeting? You "pray read the footnotes" of course. It was Ed Marks in Houston who really pushed this, much to the delight of Ray Graver. This was before they went to Irving, and then Anaheim. This much despised practice (pray reading Witness Lee's writings) is simply a gimmick to force saints to buy these books.