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Old 11-05-2017, 03:37 PM   #221
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
Well I don't know if you are weak believers, ignorant believers, or just simple believers.

But you are believers that buy into concepts being taught in the local church that aren't anywhere to be found in the scriptures. The Bible says nothing about the vision of the age, ministry of the age, or minister of the age. It says nothing, zilch, nada, no thing at all, about those concepts. They are overlays upon the Bible ; interpolations at best.

So you tell me what it makes you when you are believing something that's not Biblical. Any label will do. Tell me and I'll use it in our conversations. I favor Leeites, but you pick the label you like.
I'm surprised an "alternative" someone such as yourself is going with the "it's not in the bible argument" when you know there are so many overlays Christianity has on the Bible. Even the concepts of New Testament and Old Testament, "age of grace" etc are overlays. The verse and chapter numbering is also overlays, and they also play a part in how the bible is interpreted. The term "faith alone" is also an overlay, given to us by the MOTA Luther and Calvin. But no verse in the bible saying that, ZNP was unable to produce it. There's even a "pagan" overlay coming up very soon - Christ mass. Christmas is a pagan overlay really on a concept the bible is silent about ( and we know that Jews did not celebrate birthdays, so trying to portray the nativity scene as Christ's first birthday celebration is naive).

We can even find overlays within the bible itself. Now here is one for you bible fundamentalists out there (awareness and myself included )
Where in the Bible did Jesus ever say "saved by grace" or even use the word grace in a teaching, parable or conversation? The simple fact is that Jesus never taught or spoke about grace, as revealed in the 4 gospels. So the concept of grace in the Paul's letters was actually an overlay onto the gospels. Overlays, overlays, everywhere.
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