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Old 11-05-2017, 03:07 PM   #220
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Default Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post

You might have the teaching about offending the conscience around the wrong way because the lesson as I recall was Paul telling the strong believers who know that idols are nothing to avoid offending the conscience of the weaker ones who believe that the idol is something.

So it seems that you believe that Lee as MOTA is nothing, just as an idol is nothing, and therefore that makes Drake and I the "weak believers" for believing that Lee is the MOTA. Then according to the bible, should you not avoid offending our consciences?
Well I don't know if you are weak believers, ignorant believers, or just simple believers.

But you are believers that buy into concepts being taught in the local church that aren't anywhere to be found in the scriptures. The Bible says nothing about the vision of the age, ministry of the age, or minister of the age. It says nothing, zilch, nada, no thing at all, about those concepts. They are overlays upon the Bible ; interpolations at best.

So you tell me what it makes you when you are believing something that's not Biblical. Any label will do. Tell me and I'll use it in our conversations. I favor Leeites, but you pick the label you like.
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