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Old 11-02-2017, 09:49 PM   #193
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 524
Default Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
I can use them as an example for the period where they were growing. The point is death of founder and republication is no impediment to growth. The untapped markets of Europe and Asia are ripe with potential particularly for something unique.
Evangelical, do you really think that the Local Church is "unique"? When does it stop being unique? After how many more years?

At best, all of this explosive growth you are predicting is wishful thinking. At worst, it is delusional. Even if the LC grows to 10x its current size, it will still be insignificant. How many LC members were there in Europe in the 1980s? 2,000? 3,000? Have the numbers even returned to that level after so many years? Many of us here have lived through initiative after initiative after initiative to try to get traction for LSM publications. Gospel Marches, Door-Knocking, Rainbow Booklets, Gospel Blitzes, Life-study Radio Program, BFA, Rhema, GTCA, LME, GMR, RBSA, now Germany, etc., etc., etc., etc. Yet, still, hardly anyone knows or reads Witness Lee.

Especially as more and more denominations degrade to oblivion, there will be fewer choices for people to turn to. By that time, you won't be able to attend a church without a chip implant to buy and sell, scan hand at the door policy for tithe, probably. It's the year 2050, in most denominations married men are kissing their male partners, openly, the chip implant is used for the tithe, and robots will be preaching the sermon, you know, talking statue (Rev 13:15). That's the situation those in Babylon will find themselves in as things get worse.
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