Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah
A lot here, let me see if I understand you correctly.
1. Christ is the mediator because it includes the concept of a probationary sacrifice, appeasement. This is uniquely Christ and WL's ministry should not in any way be confused with this.
2. What Witness Lee's ministry did was get people into the holy of holies. It was a "ministry" not a "mediation" because he was....guiding? assisting? helping?
But here is what confuses me about this. If you read (Truth Lessons, Level 3, Vol. 3, Chapter 6, Section 1) it says that we enter the holy of holies in the blood of Jesus. Through a new and living way initiated through the rent veil (Jesus Crucifixion) and that we come forward to find the ascended Christ. There is no mention of needing a guide or help other than the blood of Jesus, the cross of Christ and the ascended Jesus.
But according to your explanation of Ron Kangas Message Witness Lee is acting as a go between to "help people into the holy of holies".
Also according to you we don't need a propitiating sacrifice to enter the Holy of Holies, but according to Witness Lee's ministry we need the blood of Christ and the Cross of Christ to enter. Which is why Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant.
What's the bible for then? Is that not a guide, or help ? What about fellowship, is that not a help also? What about helping people to pray for salvation by giving them the words to say, is that being a mediator or a helper? What if a pastor says "if you want to be saved, repeat after me...." - they often do that in churches, are they being mediators and replace Christ? What about gospel preaching? Is an evangelist a go-between because they help a person come to Christ?