Originally Posted by Evangelical
I think the local churches have a number of features that people might find attractive:
- No priest/pastoral positions
- The ability to function as members of the Body (i.e. participate in a meaningful way)
- No one asking for tithes or donations Sunday after Sunday
- Not liberal - solid biblical foundation and fundamental
- Small group and family orientated - focus on the small group primarily, and a spread of generations from the very young to very old.
- discipline/devotion and a vision/path for continual spiritual growth with others.
I agree with you Evangelical, these are features that people may find attractive, I know they were/are for me. The problem is... your list and the truth of the LC just don't line up...
- No priest/pastor but instead cowtow to LSM and Witness Lee as the head and flow
- No meaningful participation, instead repeat the words of Witness Lee, Amen!
- No one asking for tithes or donations...but you better buy their books, bibles, morning revivals, attend their seminars, etc
- Not liberal - I'll give you that one. Add a dash of racism and misogamy just to be sure
- Solid biblical foundation - Only as interpreted by and approved by Witness Lee
- Small group and family oriented - All show, no real relationships or conversations (as a whole) families torn apart because of the LSM
- Spiritual growth stunted at best, poisoned at worst
I pray for deliverance from the Witness Lee movement