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Old 11-02-2017, 04:33 PM   #178
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: The Vision of the Age, the Ministry of the Age, and the Minister of the

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
I'll take atonement or propitiation, both carry the notion of appeasement between two parties and that is all I need to say to disprove any idea that believers in Babylon need appeasement with God. If a child is disobedient I would not say the child is in "dispute" with their father or that a mediator between them is required. This is just not the language a person would normally use. But if they weren't a child, let's say, a criminal or enemy, then yes they would be in dispute and would need a mediator.

Yes you are right regarding Lee's terminology, but I chose to use atonement as that is the most common term I believe in Christianity. All I need is a word that refers to appeasing two parties and either of those words would do, but of course they both have a specific meaning. Is there a word that is more general than atonement or propitiation? If so I would use that word for this discussion. For now I'll settle with appeasement.

Let's say Lee's ministry helps people get into the holy of holies, what is that called? I would call that ministry, not mediation, as mediation of Christ has already brought them in.
A lot here, let me see if I understand you correctly.

1. Christ is the mediator because it includes the concept of a probationary sacrifice, appeasement. This is uniquely Christ and WL's ministry should not in any way be confused with this.

2. What Witness Lee's ministry did was get people into the holy of holies. It was a "ministry" not a "mediation" because he was....guiding? assisting? helping?

But here is what confuses me about this. If you read (Truth Lessons, Level 3, Vol. 3, Chapter 6, Section 1) it says that we enter the holy of holies in the blood of Jesus. Through a new and living way initiated through the rent veil (Jesus Crucifixion) and that we come forward to find the ascended Christ. There is no mention of needing a guide or help other than the blood of Jesus, the cross of Christ and the ascended Jesus.

But according to your explanation of Ron Kangas Message Witness Lee is acting as a go between to "help people into the holy of holies".

Also according to you we don't need a propitiating sacrifice to enter the Holy of Holies, but according to Witness Lee's ministry we need the blood of Christ and the Cross of Christ to enter. Which is why Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant.
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